
  • JUL 11 - AUG 31, 2024
    8:00 am - 1:00 pm EST
    Related Job Opportunity Announcements

    Career site event for testing Footprints ticket


    Hosted by Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy

    This new event will allow me to test and verify whether the coding works for the new Footprints tickets. I will follow up with the POC to verify.

    See more details

  • JUL 19 - AUG 24, 2024
    7:30 am - 5:00 pm est

    Add Host organization Branded search URL


    Hosted by Office of Personnel Management

    • Associated branded search page (optional)
    • Below "Associated branded search page" will be the following instructional text:
      • You can add a link to a branded search page if your agency has one or a multi-agency page if your agency is part of one. The link will appear on your event details. What is a branded search page? 

    • There will be a **"**Select" component under the informational text

    • The "Select" options will be populated with branded search URLS associated with the users agency and all multi-agency branded search pages
      • Only display the branded search pages that are published
      • The user will be able to select one branded search URL from the list provided.
    • - Select - will be the default and will show in the in the box when collapsed (see screenshot in description)
    • There will be a header in bold My agency search p

    See more details

  • JUL 31 - DEC 29, 2024
    7:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

    DHS Career site event for testing Footprints ticket


    Hosted by Department of Homeland Security

    I created this event to verify events are working correctly on the footprints end. This account was from a user in DHS so it should be on the correct tab this time. Changed to DHS Headquarters for testing.

    See more details